The south side of Peoria, Illinois, specifically zip code 61605, suffers from high unemployment, rising teen pregnancy rates, poverty, crime, and underperforming schools. Zip Code 61605 is listed among the 100 poorest zip codes in the United States. Unemployment in 61605 is nearly 5 times what it is in the rest of Peoria.*
Many families living in South Peoria believe as we do that Jesus Christ is the only hope for true transformation in the lives of all people. These families want a better environment for their children and welcome the idea of more Christian influence there. Our goal is to come alongside these families and help them bring Christ’s love and positive change to their neighborhoods through high-quality Christian education. We started with a kindergarten class in 2016, and have added a grade each year. We now offer grades k-8. We pray that our students will be have the educational and spiritual foundation to take His love back to their community as future pastors, business owners, doctors, nurses, school teachers, lawyers, skilled trade workers, and the list goes on.
Serving primarily students in zip code 61605, South Side Christian Academy is a fully faith-funded school, meaning that we have faith that God will provide the needed funds to educate our students through donations from generous people like you. We are honored to join God in this great work of bringing quality Christian education and Christ-centered transformation to Peoria’s south side. To do this, we need the support and prayers of many people and organizations. Positive change is possible. God can make it happen. Will you join us in this dream to bring new hope for a brighter future to the children and families of South Peoria?
*Tarter, Steve. "Community in Neglect." Peoria Journal Star [Peoria] 16 Aug. 2015, Business sec.: F1. Print.
Mission, Values, Statement of
Mission, Values, Statement of
South Side Christian Academy is a Christ-centered school with a mission to reach and transform children and families for Christ by establishing a solid biblical worldview, confirming value and hope in Christ, and preparing each young person through a high quality education for a life of service to God and others.
Truth - All Truth is God’s Truth. We Believe that Truth is created and defined by God and is laid out in the Bible, His Infallible Word. John 8:32, 17:17
Knowledge - We will promote an academic program marked by excellence, high achievement, and creativity. Psalm 119:66
Compassion - We believe that a love of knowledge and learning must be accompanied by an attitude of compassion in order to benefit society and spread the message of Christ. Ephesians 4:32
Service - We believe that, having freely received the blessings found in Christ alone, it is critical to give back to our families, community, and world to demonstrate our love for God and others and our deep appreciation for His work in our lives. I Samuel 12:24
Effort - We believe that we will be blessed when we do our best in all things for the glory of God. Col. 3:23
The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God, given to man, inspired by the Holy Spirit. (Matt.4:4, Titus 1:2, James 1:21, 2 Tim. 3:16, Heb. 4:12, John 17:17, PS. 119:105, 1 Thess.2:13, 2 Peter 1:21)
There is one eternal God, the Creator of all things, who exists in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 28:19, 2Cor. 13:14, Isa. 44:6, John 1:14, Luke 11:35, John 14:16-17, Gen 1:1-2, 1 Pet. 1:2, Col. 2:9, John 10:30)
Jesus Christ, the Son of God was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and lived a sinless life. (Matt. 1:18, Isa. 7:14, Heb. 4:15, Luke 1:30-35,1 Peter 2:22, Matt. 1:20, 1 John 3:5, 2 Cor 5:21)
Man was created in God’s image, but by man’s transgression became separated from God. (1 John 5:17, Isa. 53:5-6, 1 John 1:8, 1 John 1:8-10, Rom 3:11, Rom. 6:23, Rom. 3:23, Rom. 5:12, Gen. 1: 24-27, Gen. 5:1)
Man is justified by faith, by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross, His death, and His resurrection from the grave. (Eph. 2:8-9, Heb. 9:12-14, Heb. 10:4, Col. 1:14, 1 Cor. 15:16-20, Luke 23:33, Luke 23: 26, Phil. 3:10, Mark 16, Acts 1:3, John 20:18-22, Rom. 5:1)
The Holy Spirit resides in the hearts of true believers and is evidenced by a spiritual rebirth, reconciliation with God, and obedience to God’s Word. (Gal. 2:20, Phil. 1:21, Eph. 2:10, 2 Cor. 5:17, 2 Tim 2:15, Rom. 6:4, Gal. 5:22-23, John 14:26, John 15:26, Col. 3:1)
Both the saved and the lost will be resurrected; the saved unto eternal life and the lost unto eternal damnation. (Heb. 9:27, 1 Thess. 4:13-18, 2 Peter 2:9, John 5:28-29, Rom. 3:23, Rev. 21:8, Matt. 10:28, Matt. 25:48)
God is the Creator of all life, including the unborn; all life is precious in His sight. (Jer. 1:5, Gen. 1:27, Col. 1:16, Prov. 6:16-19, Eccl. 11:5, Exod. 23:7, PS. 139:12-17)
We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as either male or female in nature of God. We also believe that God created marriage to be exclusively the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and that intimate sexual activity is to occur exclusively with that unique, God created union. (Gen. 1:26-27, Gen. 2:18-25, 1 Cor. 6:18, 1 Cor. 7:2-5, Heb. 13:4).
Our Statement of Faith is not exhaustive of all of our beliefs. The Bible, as the inspired and infallible Word of God, speaks with absolute authority regarding the proper conduct of humankind and is the unchanging foundation for all belief and behavior. The SSCA Board of Directors holds final interpretive authority on biblical meaning and application with regard to faith, doctrine, policy, practice, and discipline.
I joined the SSCA family in 2019 as the principal. I graduated from Bradley with a degree in elementary & middle school education in 2004 and have taught students in grades K-8 in Peoria, Pekin, and Bloomington public schools. In 2012, I completed my masters program in school administration through St. Xavier University. Since college, I have been involved in children's ministry in Peoria and currently operate a food pantry at Lexington Hills. At SSCA, I love working closely with teachers, students and their families, and most importantly, sharing my faith in and love for Jesus. I love being here because every single day, we see God at work. Outside of school, I most love spending time with my husband Brent and our two daughters, Addie and Cassie.
I have been married for 31 years to my husband Larry. We have 4 adult children, and 2 daughter-in-laws. I have 4 incredible grandchildren and 1 very big pet pig! I love spending time with all my family, playing volleyball and my new obsession pickleball.
This is my 4th year at SSCA. I have taught multiple grades here. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education!! My favorite thing at SSCA is being able to share the love of Jesus with my students, in addition to creating a fun, loving, and safe place for them to learn and grow.
This is my seventh year teaching at SSCA. I graduated from Monmouth College and taught kindergarten for seven years before staying home with my own children. I then worked as a reading interventionist for five years before coming to SSCA. I live with my husband Corey and we have three children: Haven, Jade, and Austin. I love spending time with family and friends, being outdoors, and walking my dog, Lucky.
I am from Berne, Indiana, and graduated from Purdue University Fort Wayne in 2021. I worked at my hometown school for a semester before God led me here to SSCA. When I'm not at school, you can find me knitting, crocheting, exploring Central Illinois, or going to Faire Coffee. I currently live in Metamora and am attending Grace Church in Morton.
I grew up in Roanoke, graduated from Illinois State University, and taught one year in D150 as an art/kindergarten teacher. God brought me to SSCA nine years ago as the Kindergarten teacher and I now teach 3rd grade. In my free time you can find me at the RiverPlex, completing DIY projects, cooking, teaching Sunday School, running outside, or drinking a miel latte at a local coffeeshop!
This is my first year teaching at SSCA. I grew up in a suburb of Chicago. Eventually God led me to Peoria where I came to know Christ through a faithful campus ministry, worked toward an education degree at Bradley University (Go Braves!), and met my husband. We now live in Peoria and attend Grace Presbyterian church. When I'm not at school, you'd probably catch me spending time at local coffee shops, going on long walks, and baking lots of goodies!
I graduated from ISU in 2017, and I have been in fifth grade ever since! After teaching fifth grade in Morton, IL for four years, God placed a love for SSCA’s mission on my heart. What an honor it is to be able to teach the name of Jesus Christ in school! My favorite part of teaching is building a classroom family that grows, challenges, and loves each other. Outside of school, my hobbies include playing in a volleyball league, hiking the steep trails of Peoria, traveling all over the world, singing in my church choir, and reading a good book. My husband Drew and I got married in November 2024.
I graduated in 1997 from ISU with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. I moved to California where I taught 1st and 2nd grade for three years before moving back to Illinois and starting a family. I live in Morton with my husband Aaron and our two sons, Elijah and Gideon and our dog Wrigley. After my boys were in school full-time I returned to subbing in Morton, and then landed here at SSCA. I am so thankful to be able to serve this community and share my love of Jesus with my students.
When I am not at school, I love playing games with my family and friends, cheering on any team my sons are playing on, traveling, working out, and watching the Cubs!
I have the privilege of teaching 7th/8th grade ELA and Social Studies! I grew up in Ohio and made the move to central Illinois in 2013. After 10 years of teaching high school English, God paved the way for me to teach at SSCA in 2023, and I’m thrilled to be part of the team.
Outside of work, I’m a husband to Katie and a father to our two daughters. We are members of Summit Point Church in East Peoria, and any free time I have is spent playing guitar, camping out, cooking food, or discussing cars and motorcycles.
7th/8th grade Math and Science Teacher.
God has taken me on an incredible journey these last five years through SSCA. I've had the privilege to see an idea become reality through God's faithfulness in providing a school building, committed staff and teachable students. As a small business owner I'm grateful my schedule has allowed me to serve as a board member, Reading Buddy, and playground aide. I serve on Buildings and Grounds and am grateful for the expansion of our facility in 2021 that allowed us to serve more students in upper grades.
As I've served on the board alongside my wife Cassie, God has increased my faith. I've seen Him do things only He could do in starting and growing SSCA. Outside of my school responsibilities, I serve as the director of counseling at Peoria Rescue Ministries, a licensed professional counselor, and as an elder at Grace Church in Morton. I'm loving this phase of life empty-nesting and enjoying adult children and our grandchildren. I'm excited to see what God will continue to do through SSCA!
I am thankful and blessed to serve as a board member and one of the directors at SSCA. I continue to be amazed at how God works in the details of the ministry of SSCA and the lives of our students, families, and staff. My husband, Curt, and I have four adult children, 2 fantastic daughters-in-law, and precious grandchildren. We are active in our church and praise God for this stage of life with our family and friends.
I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of the board at SSCA. I currently serve as the Director of Culture Transformation at Ledgestone. Prior to this role, I worked for over 20 years as a teacher and administrator in inner-city, high-performing, and private-Christian schools. I am married to Shalome, and we have five wonderful children who love to volunteer at SSCA. I am excited to see all that God will continue to accomplish through the lives of the students and families we serve.
I am thankful God has raised up SSCA to serve the needs of many families here on Peoria's south side. God has used His church to be laborers here through the many opportunities to volunteer, pray, give financially, and work at SSCA. I am excited to be on the SSCA board and the bus transportation committee, care for the garden, help with cleaning, and minister to the students’ families.
I am an active member on the board here at SSCA. I was raised on the south side, so this is where my heart is. That’s why I take great pleasure in serving here at SSCA. I attend church at New Beginnings worship center located right here on the south side, and I work full time at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center as an Occupational Therapy Assistant. I have been married for five years to the beautiful and talented Whitney Smith who has made me the proud father of four beautiful children.
After spending the first fifteen years of my career in public education, I am thankful to have the opportunity to continue working in education through SSCA, and am especially appreciative of the caring culture found around our families, staff, volunteers, and financial supporters. I own and work in several Peoria-area businesses and enjoy seeing the eyes of youngsters shine when they learn the joy of serving others through private enterprise.
I am grateful to be a Board Member of SSCA. I am a proud member of Gospel Experience Church located on the North side of Peoria. I serve there as an Usher, Announcer, and one of the leaders of The Emergency Response Team. I am a RN and mother of two beautiful daughters. The Lord said “SSCA is a hidden gem that is about to shine”, and I want to be part of His Will for SSCA. I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store for SSCA.